In the Compliance and Investigations area, Chediak Advogados provides counsel to its clients in the development and improvement of integrity programs to prevent, detect, and remedy violations of the legislation or the organization's conduct guidelines. Its professionals actively participate in academic committees and discussions, internationally certified and with extensive experience in complex projects in multiple jurisdictions.
- General legal counsel on Compliance
- Risk Assessment
- Assessment of the compliance with national and international guidelines, such as the recommendations of the OECD, US DoJ, US SEC, US Sentencing Commission, UK Ministry of Justice, and UK SFO
- Preparation and review of corporate policies
- Design and implementation of integrity measures according to business risks
- Planning and execution of corporate training
- Planning and preparation of corporate communication materials and actions
- Planning and execution of monitoring actions
- Due diligence and background check of suppliers and other stakeholders
- ABC Due Diligence in company mergers & acquisitions
- Counsel in internal response actions related to the Ethics Channel
- Planning and execution of corporate investigations
- Counsel and representation in administrative proceedings, such as CGU's sanctioning proceedings
- Counsel and representation in integrity Due Diligence processes, as exemplified in Petrobras' supplier contracting process
- Counsel and representation in certification processes, such as Pró-Ética and ISO 37001